Is AI a Tool or a Weapon?

“Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master.” This quote by Christian Lous Lange, a noted Nobel Peace Prize laureate, perfectly encapsulates the dual nature of technological advancements. AI embodies this duality more starkly than perhaps any other innovation in modern history. As we delve into the question of whether AI is a tool or a weapon, we find that the answer is not straightforward. AI, like many technologies, has the potential to be both, depending on its application, oversight, and intent behind its use. (Featured Article Excerpt).

This is these weeks Featured Article in The Nexus Newsletter. The Nexus of Technology + Culture + Leadership + Talent Today for the discerning professional.

This is the August 8th, 2024, Edition and Issue #28. It is my pleasure to share my thoughts and ideas with you each week.

The link is here: Is AI a Tool or a Weapon?

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