Featured Insights

Knowledge Precedes Transformation

Our latest thinking on the issues that matter most today in Technology + Culture + Leadership + Talent.

The Psychological Plague, driven by technology, that no one is talking about. Are you suffering from Algorithm Fatigue? Are you tired of having to come up with idea after idea,

This is me, a few days ago, on a short family break, sitting in a 600-year-old pub in front of a 600-year-old fireplace. This building started life as a farmhouse

Featured Article What are you going to do with your life? This question is often asked by parents who have to deal with disengaged and unmotivated teenagers who are indifferent

AI Driven Job Losses: Your Future has Arrived Change is everywhere in the world of work. You don’t have to imagine a world where AI could replace you as this

The Silent Assassin: The AI Job Interviewer (Live & Kicking). In a remarkable story of a long-standing employee of MAC Cosmetics (owned by Estée Lauder), Anthea Mairoudhiou who was asked to reinterview

AI & Employee Surveillance: Forever Watched. The explosion of AI in 2023, along with the accompanying hyper-excitement, also brought fear about how employers might use emerging smart technology to monitor

A Harmonious Balance: Cultural Transformation, Core Values and Continuous Evolution. In the dynamic landscape of organizational dynamics, cultural transformation stands as a linchpin for sustained success. The interplay between preserving

The Aroma of Leadership: Your true Superpower! https://nstratagem.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Aroma-of-Leadership.mp4

Self-Image – Traume = Self-Confidence. If you want to get the maximum out of your employees to enhance your organisational culture, you will need to attend to this factor of

Yo Leaders! Don’t just Stand by your Values, Live them. Standing by your values is reactionary. After-the-fact thinking, such as when you are trying to explain away a bad decision.

Culture change is not just a Strategy; it’s a Collective Mindset Shift. Culture transformation requires a fundamental change in how individuals within the organisation perceive and engage with their work

Change is the Lifeline for Sustained Relevance. Organisations must view change not as an occasional necessity but as a continuous and integral part of their business strategy, where leaders need

Act Systemically: Measure the Value of Culture Change in Business Performance Outcomes. Business Performance = Financial Metrics + Operational Metrics + Leadership Metrics + Customer Metrics + Employee Metrics. There

Culture has two important purposes. As a source of vital “nutrients” for nourishment. As a medicinal antidote to fight “disease’’. Shared values, a positive work environment, and a sense of

Cultural Transformation is perfectly Balancing the Preservation of Core Values and Continuous Evolution. There are two pertinent old sayings. One, “if you stand still you will die” and two, “don’t

Culture Change demands one key thing of Leaders: Courage. Culture change is complex and messy. Culture change involves reshaping beliefs, values, and behaviours. In this precarious process, leaders stand at

Hope Is Not A Tactic It is normal to hope but without a plan of action and a strategy, hope may only be a wish or a dream. Whether you

Culture must drive Business Performance, all day, every day. Culture is not just about People. Culture is made up of many organisational factors and the people function is just one

When Harry Houdini made this remark, he was thinking about how jeopardy and drama are integral parts of human nature. Combine this, with our innate sense of curiosity and voyeurism

Want to be a Great Leader? Then start by learning to be a Great Follower. It is only when you follow a great leader diligently & studiously that you will

Obsession is a Necessity for Greatness! Pursue your goals with obsession & passion as when things get difficult you will have a visceral relationship with your goals that will be

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The information (written, oral or in video form) in our Insights is for general informational purposes only. Norm Murray &/or nStratagem make no representation or warranty, express or implied. Your use of the contents in Insights is solely at your own risk. Norm Murray & nStratagem also reserve the right to modify, delete or enhance the contents of the articles/videos in Insights at any time. Insights may contain written, verbal or video links to third party content, which we do not warrant, endorse, or assume liability for.