Yo, Leaders! Don’t just Stand by your Values, Live them.

Yo Leaders! Don’t just Stand by your Values, Live them.

Standing by your values is reactionary. After-the-fact thinking, such as when you are trying to explain away a bad decision.

Living your values, however, is proactive. It denotes that leadership is a powerful and quiet force always pushing forward in seen and unseen ways to do good.

I strive to have this as my superpower as a leader – to live my values. It is not easy nor, at times, convenient, but it must be done if I am to be effective for my clients and for my family. It is, for me, the core ingredient for peace-of-mind.

In coaching leaders, the greatest regret they have described to me is when they have knowingly either compromised or wholly abandoned their values in making a decision about their organisation or their personal life.

That kind of regret is insidious, cancerous and a psychological-emotional timebomb.

Life is complicated as it is an endless series of decisions, and leading an organisation (irrespective of size), is no easy feat either today. But if you don’t harness this superpower within you, you will not achieve all that you hope and dream of for your company or your life.

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