Augment your leadership potential. A future where seamless leader-AI collaboration achieves extraordinary outcomes.

Organisations today need to understand the tech revolution, driven by AI, and its impact on organisational culture, teamwork, training, leadership development and talent management. These innovative webinar series will equip today’s leaders with knowledge and skills to embrace this amazing revolution with confidence and resilience.

The Tech Revolution Webinars

When Strategic HR meets Strategic AI:

Discover how the integration of these two powerful domains can transform your organization, enhance talent management, leadership and drive business success.

Harnessing AI for Data-Driven Culture: Best Practices and Strategies.

Explores how leaders can foster a data-centric culture using AI tools to drive better decision-making and innovation.

AI-Powered Teamwork: Enhancing Collaboration and Efficiency.

Discusses the tools and techniques to leverage AI for improved teamwork and collaboration within organisations.

Training the Workforce for an AI-Driven Future: Methods and Tools.

Covers the essential training programmes and AI tools that can upskill employees to thrive in a tech-enhanced environment.

The intersection of AI and Talent Management: Strategies for Success.

Examines how AI can be used to optimise talent acquisition, retention and development processes.

AI and Leadership Development: Building Tomorrow's Leaders Today.

Explore how AI can support leadership development programmes and identify future leaders through data analytics and predictive modelling.

Building a Resilient Organisation: AI-Driven Culture Change.

Focuses on strategies for driving cultural change within ogranisations using AI, ensuring resilience and adaptability.

Webinar Details

  • Delivered at your convenience
  • Delivered via MS Teams
  • Minimum 10 participants
  • Minimum 2 hour sessions

For additonal Information

Featured Webinar

Culture Strategy Webinars

The Ultimate Guide to the Essentials of Organisational Culture Change in a Modern World


Culture change is a complex, messy and a long-term process. This event provides a detailed and guided tour of all you will need for a successful culture change programme – from theories and strategies, to tools and resources. A great resource for teams who are responsible for delivering successful culture change in their organizations.

This event will cover the following topics:

• Understanding the different types of organisational culture change
• Identifying and assessing the need for change
• Creating a change management strategy and detailed action plan
• How to effectively communicate change to stakeholders and how to manage resistance to change.
• How to lead and manage change initiatives, including how to mobilise resources, build support and achieve results
• How to embed change into the culture of an organization for long term impact
• How to track change and measure the success of change initiatives for continuous improvement

Key Takeaways:

  • Confidence in delivering a full culture change programme
  • A clear action plan and strategy
  • Better understanding of common barriers to change and how to overcome them
  • A clear understanding of how to measure change and the resources required
  • A toolkit for delivering culture change

Preparing Leaders & In-house Teams to Deliver Culture Change


From executive leaders to middle managers, department heads to supervisors, all levels of leaders need to better understand culture change and their personal role in that process.  Leaders play a key role in the programmes success but many lack the skills, experience and confidence in helping or enabling the successful implementation of culture change in their own organisations. 

This event will cover the following topics:

The role of leadership in culture change
What type of “leadership” and “leader” is required today to successful implement culture change
How to lead a culture change programme
How to effectively delegate responsibilities
How to sustain momentum for change

Key Takeaways:

  • How to be an effective leader
  • Confidence in delivering culture change
  • Better understanding the leaders role in culture change
  • Improved relationship skills to better influence others

How to establish Living Values and use them to Drive Culture Change.

A Practical Guide.


Company values are the window to the character and personality of the organisation. They should also be both the guide and template for employee attitude and behaviour.  This is a critical concept in culture change and that is key to successfully developing company culture.

This event will cover the following topics:

  • The fundamentals of establishing values in a company
  • How to ensure they are measurable and tangible
  • How to embed and communicate them clearly to all
  • How to use them as a framework for culture change

Key Takeaways:

  • A clear and full understanding of how to work as a team
  • Learn the core processes of how to deliver culture change
  • Confidence to manage complexity
  • Confidence to push through challenges

Preparing in-house Teams to Deliver Culture Change


In-house culture change teams have a huge responsibility to deliver such a complex project as culture change. They need up-to-date knowledge, skills and confidence to deliver this important work successfully. 

This event will cover the following topics:

  • The fundamentals of complex culture change
  • The critical aspects of teamwork
  • Allocation of responsibilities
  • How to communicate effectively when under pressure
  • How to support each other

Key Takeaways:

  • A clear and full understanding of how to work as a team
  • Learn the core processes of how to deliver culture change
  • Confidence to manage complexity
  • Confidence to push through challenges

Organisation Design for a Modern Culture


This immersive experience is designed to equip you with the knowledge, skills, and practical tools necessary to create robust and purpose-driven organisational designs. In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, organizations must adapt to stay competitive, and a well-designed structure is critical for achieving strategic goals and maximizing performance. 

This event will cover the following topics:

  • The key ingredients in organisation design model
  • Explore various organisation design models
  • Examine real-world case studies
  • Critical steps necessary in developing a robust design and structure

Key Takeaways:

  • Understanding the Importance of Organizational Design
  • Knowledge of Organizational Design Models
  • Step-by-Step Process of Designing and Implementing Organizational Structures
  • Aligning Organizational Design with Business Strategy
  • Overcoming Challenges and Managing Change

Professional Tips for Designing a Winning Talent Retention Strategy


To facilitate talent retention today you need a powerful and engaging employee value proposition beyond just a great pay and bonus structure.  This event will show you all the key constructs required today in designing and implementing a powerful  programme to enhance your culture and become employer of choice in your industry/ region.

This event will cover the following topics:

  • How to set up a comprehensive Talent Retention programme
  • The key ingredients in a modern Talent Retention programme
  • How to communicate your culture  strategy internally and externally
  • How to measure (via data analytics) the success of your retention strategy

Key Takeaways:

  • A clear and full understanding of how to create a successful talent retention programme
  • Learn the core psychological ingredients for effective talent retention and attraction
  • To build digital measures to track retention

The Role of Boards in Developing Company Culture.


The role of a Board is corporate governance, but they should also play a crucial role in shaping and developing company culture through both their leadership influence, authority, experience, expertise and talents.

Boards are often informed about culture change projects, may even approve them, but they are rarely directly involved in leading any aspect of a culture change project directly. This is an untapped super-power and a missed opportunity.

This event is designed to harness that untapped potential within your board, transforming them from just overseers to proactive architects of cultural change.

This event will cover the following topics:

  • Understand how the board’s authority can be strategically leveraged to instigate and drive cultural change initiatives.
  • Tap into the unique expertise of your board members. Explore how their diverse backgrounds can contribute to a richer, more nuanced understanding of cultural dynamics.
  • Equip your board with the tools and insights needed to navigate the complexities of cultural evolution.

Key Takeaways:

  • Gain a profound understanding of how to strategically integrate cultural considerations into the core fabric of corporate governance.
  • Learn to leverage the authority of the board not just for overseeing but actively shaping and championing cultural change initiatives
  • Insights on aligning governance practices with cultural goals, ensuring a cohesive and synchronized approach to organizational development
  • Empowerment to move beyond a passive role in culture change projects to become dynamic leaders in the transformation process

Post-Merger Culture Integration


In mergers and acquisitions, a significant hurdle lies in swiftly establishing a cohesive culture for the newly combined entities. Overlooking or downplaying the importance of cultivating a harmonious workplace culture can give rise to complications. This may manifest in challenges such as uncertainty regarding the new business and operational strategy and the potential loss of highly skilled personnel. These talented individuals, feeling let down or disenchanted by the changes, may seek opportunities elsewhere. Consequently, the intended value of the merger is either compromised or, at the very least, becomes precarious.

This event will cover the following topics:

  • Building culture measures and identifiers into the due diligence process
  • How to identify the core culture components to retain and those aspects that need to be either shaped, changed or jettisoned
  • How to devise a culture change strategy as part of the merger package

Key Takeaways:

  • Confidence in controlling the culture variable from due diligence to merger
  • Ensuring that the planned value of the merger is sustained after the change
  • Ensure that personnel remain confident and happy through the process

Leadership Character Building Webinar

Unlocking Excellence: The 12 Imperatives of Emotional, Social & Morally Intelligent (ESMI) Leaders Programme.


Leadership is not just about acquiring the technical skills and knowledge necessary to run an organization, but also about the personal qualities and values that drive a leader’s behaviour. A leader’s character plays a critical role in shaping the culture of the organization, influencing the behaviour of others, and determining the success of the enterprise.  In this leadership development programme, we will focus on developing the character of a leader. 


We will explore the essential traits and values that define great leadership, such as integrity, empathy, humility, courage, and resilience. You will learn about the behaviours and practices that cultivate these qualities and gain insights into how you can apply these principles in your own leadership journey.


This programme will cover the following topics:


  • Key leadership traits and values 
  • Humility, courage and resilience
  • Leadership communication 
  • Managing difficult situations
  • Leadership Dilemmas
  • Managing emotions

Key Takeaways:

  • How to be an influential leader
  • How to be a resilient leader
  • How to lead in complex situations
  • Enhanced self-awareness
  • Self-regulation in managing emotions
  • Improved interpersonal and social skills
  • Creating a positive and ethical focused work environment

Reach out for information on our events.