A Rotting Company Culture Stinks!

A Rotting Company Culture Stinks!

  • Talent retention is a crucial aspect of any successful organization
  • Talent retention isn’t just about competitive salaries and benefits
  • It’s about challenging your own company norms and beliefs
  • It’s about fostering a culture of trust and innovation
  • And constantly surprising and delighting your employees
  • If you don’t change your attitude and behaviour the stink from people “rotting” in their cubicles, offices and home offices will spread throughout the organization
  • When that happens, you will lose talented and once highly engaged people
  • That will cost you money and brand reputation
  • Looking after your employees is the right and moral thing to do
  • Employee expectations have changed in the modern world
  • If you don’t change to meet those expectations, you will rot – from the inside out

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