WHO OWNS CULTURE? This may seem a trite question but think about the ramifications for a moment on all parties concerned to the “correct” answer. Is it the CEO? Is…
WHO OWNS CULTURE? This may seem a trite question but think about the ramifications for a moment on all parties concerned to the “correct” answer. Is it the CEO? Is…
The GOAL OF CULTURE TRANSFORMATION is to create a values-driven company culture that drives sustainable short, medium and long-term success for all – both the company and its people. Culture…
CONFIRMATION BIAS is a fascinating psycho-dynamic phenomena that makes culture change both complex and problematic as it impacts decision making, communication and human relations in organisations, for example. Confirmation bias…
Breathe Life Into Your Values Living your values is a key component of culture development. Focus on ensuring that there are clear pathways and behavioural indicators that help breathe life…
EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT and CULTURE DEVELOPMENT. If you don’t build it, they will leave. According to the Corporate Leadership Council, employees who are committed and engaged at work perform 20% better…
Some organisations believe that TALENT RETENTION is a natural by-product of being a good company. Wrong. Talent Retention is a complex issue and contrary to popular belief, there is no simple…
PSYCHOLOGICAL CONTRACTING is the psycho-dynamic concept where there exists a tacit understanding between the employer and employee that goes beyond salary in exchange for performance. Here both parties “agree” to…